Thursday 31 October 2013

Year 6s Visit Dalat


All of Year 6 visited one of the other local private schools… Dalat!
Many interesting things but the main attraction certainly was two presentations of science. Wow! A few highlights involved receiving tours from the students and having a school lunch with the children. The first science presentation was about learning about liquid nitrogen and some of its features. And the second presentation was when we watched ice cream being with the liquid nitrogen and eating it. It was SUPER sugary and sweet! Dozens of SCIPS children were disappointed to leave Dalat and had a blast! Surely it made the school’s day!
Thanks to all those teachers who took us.


  1. Dalat certainly was a blast!

  2. Be prepared for SCIPS MAG'S other stories about our future trips to the other schools!

  3. Replies
    1. Some people think super sweet is yummy and others may think it's nauseating.
