Thursday 20 June 2013


What did you enjoy and learn during Science Day this year?

We had some fantastic activities going on around the school this year. A big Thank you to Mrs Woodhams and Mr Abel for organising the events.

Please answer our question and leave your thoughts as a comment :) 


  1. i enjoyed Mr.Abel's little skit kind of thing where Mr.Evans was the patient.It was hilarious! :) Great acting Mr.Abel and Mr.Evans.

  2. The experiments done by new teachers from different schools was fantastic and Mr Abels play at the hall was hilarious!

  3. My favorite activity of the day was the class activity when we made a rocket with a metal tube,baking powder and vinegar. what we did was we put vinegar in the tube not to the top then we put a tablespoon of baking powder in tissue and finally put the cap on the bottle and turned it over causing it to fly because of the chemical reaction.

  4. my favorite science project or activity was the one with the exploding powder it was sooooooooooo coool

  5. what I enjoyed the most was when mr able and mr evans had to act out a surgery to find out what mr evans had for breakfast. I learned that even by just smoking two cigarettes your lungs will start to get discoloured. if I could have another science day I would and for that science day I would dress up because this year I did not dress up because I had nothing prepared to dress up as :(. Gwyneth 5kl

  6. I enjoyed the experiments made by the Uplands teachers because it was cool to see the chemical reactions made by certain chemicals or powders. I saw that when you add some sort of chemical acid to sugar, it actually turns yellow, brown then black; after awhile, it started growing taller and taller with smoke coming from it. Mr Abel was hilarious when he pretended to operate on Mr Evans. It was awesome when elephant toothpaste, dish washing liquid and some sort of chemical was used to make a fizzing volcano. I learnt that cigarettes make your lungs turn yellow from a experiment that Mr Martin conducted. He used a water bottle as a dummy; he filled the bottle with cotton balls and put the cigarette on top of the bottle(lighted)and started squeezing the bottlle and after two cigarettes, some of the cotton balls started to turn yellow.

  7. I enjoyed the experiment that made by the teacher's in uplands because I really liked the elephant toothpaste that is green and blue in colour. I also like it when Mr.Abel pretended to operate Mr. Evan's stomach because it is funny and enjoyable.I learned that smoking is an unhealthy habit because it has tobacco inside. It also has nicotine and tar that damages our lungs.Mr. Martin let us see a science experiment. He used a water bottle and filled it with cotton balls.The water bottle was a big lung and the cotton balls were the things inside the lungs. Then, he lighted a cigarette and put it at the top of the water bottle. When he squeezes the water bottle, it means that the person inhales. When he let goes of the water bottle , it means that the person exhales. After the cigarette was fully burned, he took another cigarette and did the same thing again. Then he opened the water bottle and took out the cotton balls.The balls turned yellowish because of the smoke.I am not going to smoke when I grow up!!! :)
