This year the awesome year 2 classes were learning about ‘Our world our environment’ in science. As the year 2 classes were so exited they all agreed to a trip to the botanical gardens . On the 1st of February 2013.
Doing this activity it would give the year two classes a taste of their local environment. On their exiting adventure they were able to make and see a worm hotel, by doing this the year twos found out how worms help the earth and what they do.
They also saw a life cycle of frogs and toads and learn a lot about how they grow and the changes that they see.
After the worms and frogs they soon found out about leaves and how they make food and oxygen; this was a relaxing activity after all their hard work on their worm hotel. With having now known the facts of leaves they had some real fun with making a leaf slide!
After their adventurous but tiring day they all came back to SCIPS with a jolly smile on their faces and have lots to tell of their adventure to their family . . . . . . . . . . . . WELL DONE YEAR 2 ! ! !